

1500 Chestnut Street, Suite 2, #1934
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Remington & Vernick Engineers

A New Web Design Engineered for Timeless Success

The Ask.

While Remington & Vernick Engineers (RVE) deals with complex engineering challenges on a regular basis, revamping their website proved to be a different type of challenge for this storied engineering firm.

The Answer.

RVE partnered with us to plan, design, and develop a new website focused on long-term success, thus ensuring continued prosperity in today’s tech-driven world.

The Goods.

  • UX Strategy
  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • Iconography

New brand. New website. New opportunities.

To accomplish RVE’s goals for this website redesign, we needed to successfully translate their new brand assets into a comprehensive user interface design. We navigated this challenge by integrating subtle but thoughtful features throughout the site, elevating the design from expected to exceptional.

Highlighting a history of excellence in engineering

Remington & Vernick Engineers’ storied history traces all the way back to 1901. Companies don’t thrive that long by being mediocre. To pay homage to this rich and engaging history, we developed a vibrant timeline that documents RVE’s roots, plus the elements that continue to make them so great today.

Custom illustrations with a purpose

The custom iconography we developed for RVE doesn’t just compliment their new brand identity, but it also serves to identify and simplify their core services for the user. For such a comprehensive engineering firm that has a deep arsenal of capabilities, these illustrations are as strategic as they are stylistic.

The Result.

Not all engineering firms are created equal and it was a rewarding experience to be able to work with one of the best!

Sean McBrearty

Project Manager, Third & Arch